A young Congolese man, now living in Canada told us that when someone came to their village with a camera, the villagers would pay them to take a picture of them. In the first twelve years of his life, he has only two pictures of himself.
We love the children and love taking pictures of them to share with you! We also bring copies of the pictures to the children and staff and make photo books.
After taking a few videos of the children, we had a movie night with popcorn (first time they ever had popcorn) and showed them the videos on the laptop. They were enthralled to see themselves in a video! Little things make them so happy.
Each year, one of the directors of Hope for Orphans-Congo travels to the DRC to visit the intermediators, staff and children. While they are there they interact with all of them as well as the chiefs in the villages and hundreds of villagers. The director(s) and sometimes others who have traveled with them have a first-hand view of how the orphanage is running, how the children are doing in school, how the gardens are growing, how the animal herds are growing, and how the charity is impacting the community. For example, the women in the area do not have to walk a long distance but can now can come to the orphanage to have their dried cassava ground by the orphans operating the grinder.
The annual visits give the directors greater insight into how the charity is impacting the lives of the children and better ways to help. The sub-pages are pages showing some of the directors visits. There are many, many pictures under the heading, "Pictures."
We love the children and love taking pictures of them to share with you! We also bring copies of the pictures to the children and staff and make photo books.
After taking a few videos of the children, we had a movie night with popcorn (first time they ever had popcorn) and showed them the videos on the laptop. They were enthralled to see themselves in a video! Little things make them so happy.
Each year, one of the directors of Hope for Orphans-Congo travels to the DRC to visit the intermediators, staff and children. While they are there they interact with all of them as well as the chiefs in the villages and hundreds of villagers. The director(s) and sometimes others who have traveled with them have a first-hand view of how the orphanage is running, how the children are doing in school, how the gardens are growing, how the animal herds are growing, and how the charity is impacting the community. For example, the women in the area do not have to walk a long distance but can now can come to the orphanage to have their dried cassava ground by the orphans operating the grinder.
The annual visits give the directors greater insight into how the charity is impacting the lives of the children and better ways to help. The sub-pages are pages showing some of the directors visits. There are many, many pictures under the heading, "Pictures."